
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week 7

This week has been another informative week. Learning proper citation for my craft will  be a very challenging yet demanded portion to my success as a student. There will be many assignments in my future where proper citation will either make my assignment be considered to be as solid as concrete or slippery as a wet floor. I think that this will help me to give not only proper credit to my sources but also the most of complimenting to the intelligence of the audience that reads my paper. There wil also be more than enough time to research my information to make sure that the quoted words are cited properly even if I have to make changes by using  parenthetical citation from time to time.

My next adventure this week has been finding a nurse practitioner that has a life: that is a life less busy that Charlie Sheen's life. This seemingly endless task has been an like walking through a waterless desert while sipping on peach dirt schnapps and other types of nonliquid alcohol's. I am so thirsty to get an interview I feel like a dehydrated nerd on his first date. LOOPY! I will however continue to strive to reach this goal of achieving a completed interview and an outstanding overall report. I do realize that people do have busy live but wow! Well this is all for week seven. Have a nice one!

(All of paragraph two was written while thinking "I promise that once I become a professional to never forget that I was once a student".)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What I've been learning in my Academic working Environment

Week 6. . . Well I feel like this has been a total acceptable challenge so far. I have learned many old lessons in the correct fashion is where I want to start this short essay. My academic environment has humbled me to realize that I remember learning: but I don’t know everything!
I thought that since I could get on stage and “rock a crowd” with a poetic touch that I knew the basics as well as I knew my first name.  For example my punctuation is really a key to how I communicate from first pause to the last letter. I took it for granted that just because you write how you talk in a poetic environment that it would be the same in a broader literary environment. This has proven to definitely not be the case. So I will be working on that aspect of my experience in this class. I do however feel compelled to expand and tweak that issue as well as my vocabulary. Believe it or not, I am flattered to be able to work on these things to better myself. Not only better myself in this area as a student but as a professional in my craft also.
Another aspect of what I am learning is that my research techniques need some work as well. I have done research and research papers before but not to the depth that we are going into in this class. I also appreciate this advance of knowledge and updating. I feel that as a student this will not only make me into an all around scholar of sorts but a better parent. This is because I will be able to pass on the abilities that I acquire from my classes on to my children that they may one day be able to advance in a remarkable fashion. I hope and pray that God keeps me on this smooth path to a successful future as well as my colleagues that are in class with me on a day to day basis. Thank you for your time reading this entry Professor Brand.

Cited Work Entry for WP3 APA Format

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment Projections,
(December 17, 2009). Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-11

Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-2011 Edition, pages 1-16.