
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week 7

This week has been another informative week. Learning proper citation for my craft will  be a very challenging yet demanded portion to my success as a student. There will be many assignments in my future where proper citation will either make my assignment be considered to be as solid as concrete or slippery as a wet floor. I think that this will help me to give not only proper credit to my sources but also the most of complimenting to the intelligence of the audience that reads my paper. There wil also be more than enough time to research my information to make sure that the quoted words are cited properly even if I have to make changes by using  parenthetical citation from time to time.

My next adventure this week has been finding a nurse practitioner that has a life: that is a life less busy that Charlie Sheen's life. This seemingly endless task has been an like walking through a waterless desert while sipping on peach dirt schnapps and other types of nonliquid alcohol's. I am so thirsty to get an interview I feel like a dehydrated nerd on his first date. LOOPY! I will however continue to strive to reach this goal of achieving a completed interview and an outstanding overall report. I do realize that people do have busy live but wow! Well this is all for week seven. Have a nice one!

(All of paragraph two was written while thinking "I promise that once I become a professional to never forget that I was once a student".)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What I've been learning in my Academic working Environment

Week 6. . . Well I feel like this has been a total acceptable challenge so far. I have learned many old lessons in the correct fashion is where I want to start this short essay. My academic environment has humbled me to realize that I remember learning: but I don’t know everything!
I thought that since I could get on stage and “rock a crowd” with a poetic touch that I knew the basics as well as I knew my first name.  For example my punctuation is really a key to how I communicate from first pause to the last letter. I took it for granted that just because you write how you talk in a poetic environment that it would be the same in a broader literary environment. This has proven to definitely not be the case. So I will be working on that aspect of my experience in this class. I do however feel compelled to expand and tweak that issue as well as my vocabulary. Believe it or not, I am flattered to be able to work on these things to better myself. Not only better myself in this area as a student but as a professional in my craft also.
Another aspect of what I am learning is that my research techniques need some work as well. I have done research and research papers before but not to the depth that we are going into in this class. I also appreciate this advance of knowledge and updating. I feel that as a student this will not only make me into an all around scholar of sorts but a better parent. This is because I will be able to pass on the abilities that I acquire from my classes on to my children that they may one day be able to advance in a remarkable fashion. I hope and pray that God keeps me on this smooth path to a successful future as well as my colleagues that are in class with me on a day to day basis. Thank you for your time reading this entry Professor Brand.

Cited Work Entry for WP3 APA Format

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment Projections,
(December 17, 2009). Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-11

Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-2011 Edition, pages 1-16.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Reflective Essay for week 6

There are many different things that were learned this week though it was a short one. The most important thing that I have learned this week was the fact that citing is used not only to protect the writer, but it is also used to protect the person who is doing the citing also. Forgery charges are no joke at all. Not only that, citing gives the writer the credit that they deserve for being accomplished in their craft. I feel that citing is not only an silent code of respect between the source to the informed, it is also a silent code of self respect to those who not only are being informed but to those who are composers themselves.
This week I also learned that there has been a lack of responsibility on my behalf to complete my assignments in a timely manner. I feel that it is not fair for my professor to have to look for my asignments to make sure that they are posted on my blog at the last minute. Therefore I will be figuring out a way to rearrange my time to post my assignments at no later than ten hours before they are due. I apologize for this inconvenience with the utmost sincerity. I also want to send thanks to my readers for your time and engergy reading these blogs.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

This Past Week in English Class.

I know this may not sound very reasonable at all, but this week I learned that patience is going to be needed to achieve an A in this class. I am being challenged more than I thought I would by this phenomenal professor of mine and I think I like it. There are more than just punctuation and grammatical corrections to worry about and I now know this to be absolutely true. This class brings on other strategies to becoming a composer instead of just another writer. We are definitely getting to the meat and potatoes of the class now. Learning the proper layouts to type papers in MLA format has been an honor. Going into this makes me want to learn more entry formats to write papers.
Surprisingly enough I am more than just satisfied with the pace of the class and the detail of my professor.  Professor Brand had made me start getting into the habit of not just reading the entries that I present to an audience- but reading them to make sure that the reader will develop understanding of the entire passage that I have written. The approaches I take will eliminate numerous amounts of revision, editing and proofreading sessions. I have already adapted some of these practices into my composition style with our first writing project and I was pretty solid if I must say so myself. I really do look forward to my results of the writing project that is due this coming week.

"They Say, I say" Chapter #2 Summary #2

Summary #2. Is being overweight a genuine medical problem rather than a problem of cultural stereotype?

There are many different ways to connect being overweight. There are also many solutions to take away the validity of it's cultural stereotype. Being overweight however can also be a symptom of a genetics. Neither "solution" can be brought to our attention without the proper facts. A look into a person's family health history is really needed to determine the call on this. A person could be doing this to themselves while going through some type of depression where they turn to food for comfort. They could also be overweight due to some genetic disorder where their body releases more cortisol, or even retains water. Nevertheless there are many contributing factors to the determination why someone would suffer from being overweight.

The facts listed above should show that the cultural stereotype thing in my mind is not an option. There are many different ways to approach the situation however culture is not an option. The fact remains that though a culture may not be known to have people with the smallest of body frames, not everyone in a culture will suffer being overweight. Many perple will look into the situation as saying that the cultural stereotype option is an excuse, not a point to be taken. Making a difference in these two views is important in a person knowing that their health condition can change, which we all know is the key to the successes of those who are trying to lose weight.

They say, I say page 41 exercise #2 Summary #1

Summary 1.
It has been interpreted by David Zinczenko that there is nothing healthy for youth to eat of convenience without major expense. He is insisting that the fast food industries responsibility to provide a healthier line of food to it's customers. He also suggest that this will suffice for the customers being solicited to these products anyhow. With all of the phantom calories that he seemingly speaks of, he claims that there are very little options for people to enjoy a tasteful and healthy meal. Although he admits that where a person spends their money is and option, he also claim that the convenience factor is missing is the battle of the American grocery and fast food restaurants industries.

I on the other hand contend these shots taken at the fast food restaurant industry. Just as the parent is responsible for getting to work to make money to support their family- it is also their responsibility to monitor the food comsumption of their children. Should these parents win in these court cases about the affects that the fast food industry has on their children; that decision would contradict the parents responsibility to make sure that their child or children are eating the right things. I qualify my view points with the following statement. The parents that make the household run by being strictly a friend to their child, instead of a responsible person to set the stage to promote a healthy lifestyle, are more than responsible than the person that sold the items. I say this in the fact that  they knowingly paid for their family members to be in an unhealthy situation.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

They Say/ I Say Page 28 #1a-f.

Aa. Our experiments suggest that there are dangerous levels of chemical X in the Ohio groundwater.
Ab. Since the Environmental protection agency has a lot of controversy going about chemical X, Let's ask the question about why there are dangerous levels of it in Ohio's groundwater.

Ba. Material forces drive History
Bb. After continuous research, there had been a conclusion that material forces drive history, let's test this theory on our own.

Ca. Proponents of Fruedian psychology question standard notions of "rationality".
Cb. In listening to all of you I believe that it has been concluded that proponents of Freudian psychology question the notion of "rationality".

Da. Male students often dominate classroom discussions.
Db. After simple observation of Jerome today, we can see that it is often the male student that dominates classroom discussion.

Ea. The film is about the problems of romantic relationships.
Eb. Now that the conclusion has given the most direction to the movie, we discover that the film is about the problems of romantic relationships.

Fa. I'm afraid the templated like the ones in this book will stifle my creativity.
Fb. Now that the simplicity of the topic of writing is exposed, I'm afraid the templated like the ones in this book will stifle my creativity.

They Say/ I Say Pg. 15 Question #2

The introduction to "They say/ I Say": The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein provide templates designed to help translate a composers ideas into a written work of art in  the nature of clarity to its audience(s). Specifically, Graff and Berkenstein argue that the types of writing templates they offer have a more interesting and creatively open version that can be used in the majority of literary environments. As the Authors themselves put it, "Perhaps the most distinctive feature of this book is its presentation of many such templates, designed to help you successfully not only enter the world of academic thinking and writing, but also the wider worlds of civic discourse and work. According to this view, this will help the reader not only display this expression in the template but also in their own translation of the template also. In sum then, the issue is whether this ideas will really work or not. Above that, if it does work... to what degree or limitations. These issues are important because the fact needs to be clarified to us users of how effective these templates will really be in continuous use.

My own view is that I would love to have an effective set of writing templates that help my to monitor and decipher the really important questions that need to be asked. Though I feel that these can be seen as the easy way out of some very sticky writing situations, I still maintain that should they prove to be effective I will out them to geed use on a regular basis. Although some may say feel that using the templates will decrease my critical thinking abilities, I would reply that they may open my creative and critical thinking abilities to something more effective, time. This use of time is important because it will allow me to create and recreate my true thoughts, opinions, arguments and suggestions freely and effectively.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Sixth Grade Essay... Wow!

The most influential experience that I have of my writing experiences is when I was reassured that I was good at it in the sixth grade. The assignment was to make a story about a day in my life. The assignment was all too convenient for me. I loved talking about my life at that age as well as making my own stories. The biggest part of the reassurance was that I was allowed to use poetry; my first literary love! I had so much fun with the assignment from beginning to end.
Though I had experienced my first challenge with what is called writer’s block, I used some writing strategy skills that my dad helped me with along the way. “Walk away from the paper for thirty to forty minutes before you wreck your brain” he said. He also added that while I walked away I should do something to my liking to take my mind off of the assignment. So I realized that the more I did while away from the assignment, the more that I would have to write about. This made doing things and taking note of them very important to my composition.
As a result I found things to do; I helped my mom clean the kitchen, watched television for enough time to catch the end of my favorite show, and I cleaned my room to perfection. “Hey”, I thought to myself, “this assignment is going to turn out great”. After all I had all of the body of my assignment, now to make it interesting I would go in to detail about what I had done. The smallest detail can change the whole feeling to a story is what I was always told.
Once I had finished I had my dad listen to my story. He said that he knew it would get a great review from my teacher. I went into school the next day and proved him right. I received an letter A on the assignment. I was even the only kid to be asked questions at the end. How about that for a sixth grade essay. All in all the experience was a great one and at that moment I felt that I would be a writer from that day on. Thanks for reading.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Freewriting assignment

My major is nursing. /i selected this major as a steppingstone to lead me into either the neurophysiology or nurse practitioner field. I know that this major will be a challenge for sure because I am already having time management problems. there are many different aspects of this field to go into should the neurophysiology field not work out for me.
I know from experience that going through the thing that I have in my owm personal life that the medical fielf is the way to go. Going into the nursing field is as important to my future as the ulna and radius are to the distal portion of the arm. Without nursing in my future life would really get out of hand. (get it?)... I have goals and dreams of being the most accomplished person in my field known to man by not only discovering something that is lucrative, but also vital to the future of the American public. There are three things that I know will be important to accomplishing these things; Time, energy and focus.
Time is something that God only blessed us with a limited amount of to live out our dreams.  This is why Iplan to use my time wisely when studying, researching, and completing assignments. Energy is another major factor into the well being of a scholar. This is why I have developed a new eating habit, started working out, and alsoarranged appointments with a dietician to see my results. Focus is the most important part of my making it because there is no reaching a goal without focus.  My focus is to make the most out of myself that I can as a student, a father, a grandfather,  and when that time comes, a professional. Thanks for reading a little about me as a student and my ambitions. Have a nice day!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

How I learned to read and write, By Frederick Douglas

Though slavery stood in the path, Frederick Douglas was very creative in reaching the goal of learning to read and write. I admire his ambition.

"And then I went to School" by Joe Suina

Joseph Henry talks about his trying transition from the home life of being a child life at home to the culture shock of becoming a student.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Writing Habits Journal Responses

1. What are your best memories about writing?

I would have to state my best writing memories came with shockingly acceptable delayed feedback. Being a "Slam" Peotry Artist, I aim for that response where the people who look at life in a very surfaced manor to be in awe at the exposure that I  bring to the table. This motivates me to keep every character of every word stated as "REAL" (Righteous, Explicit, Aimed, and Luminous) as possible.

2. What is the easiest thing about writing for you, and why?

 The easiest thing about writing for me is finding a surrounding to write. My usual places are laying across my bed on my stomach, at my dining room table, or at the park where while my children are playing. These places relax me the most and If I am really into what I am writing something I will text the ideas into my notepad on my cellphone.

3. What is the most difficult thing about writing for you, and why?

The most difficult thing about writing for me is time!! I have a super busy lifestyle. I am well adapted to the word no, however, I will never surpass the word opportunity. Between taking care of my children (seven going on eight) and my grandchild, school, and working part-time, Having time to write my peotry has been an "If I can" situation.

4. What different kinds of writing do you do? Who reads your writing? Where is your writing published or shared with others?

I more often than not implant my creative writing techniques into poetry format. I also write resumes for people as a sort of side job. I often share my poetry with family, friends, and from time to time audiences during performances. My writings are being copywritten as we speak and I have posted some of the in the past on the website and also I have given a couple of top of the head poems posted to my Facebook page.

5. What materials and/or equipment do you like to have on hand when you write? What are these items for? Why do you have them?

I definately like to have a Dictionary or Thesaurus for when I am at a loss for words. Plenty of paper, pencils, a pencil sharpener so I know that the basis of my writing utensils are there. I make sure to have two bottles of ice cold water Nestle purified water and two packets of Strawberry Crystal Light so I can stay in one place and not move around often. I also like to have a blowing fan around because it comforts me.

6. What steps do you follow when you write? Outline your writing process, using a simple, informal outline format.

Ironically enough, my simple steps to writing are to:
*Write original document and read it aloud.
*Revise Spelling chonological and grammatical errors.
*Rewrite the paper and read it aloud.
*Repeat steps two and three as many times needed.

7. Are you a procrastinator when it comes to writing? What do you try to avoid? What do you typically do instead?

Although I am not usually a procrastionator when it comes to writing I do have mt times. During those times I will get other things on my daily agenda out of the way. I kind of use those things as my crutch.

8. What’s the biggest influence on the way that you write? Why does it make a difference?

The biggest influence on the way that I write is the motive that motivates the entry. My influence can be to open up a mind or two, about my  feelings on something I have witnessed or experienced,or to write about that movie I just watched. Any reason for the writing is more than a valid for me as long as the catalyst motivates me.

9. If someone else were observing you as a writer, what would they notice? What would they see or hear?

The first thing that a person would notice about me as a writer is that once I am into writing something I go into a zone I don't like to be interrupted. The will see my eyes focused on the project at hand, my neck stiff from being stimulated, and they would hear either a pencil writing or an eraser doing it's job. They would likely, as well, as hear consistant sounds of a fan blowing and the suttle gulps from that cold and irreplaceable Strawberry Crystal Light.

10. Overall, how would you describe yourself as a writer? What kind of writer are you, and why do you say so?

Overall I would describe myself as an overachiever when it comes to writing. I am a project focused individual who is willing to go above and beyond to live up to the expectations of my reading audiences. I say this because I have went as far as looking into social activities that I would not normally look into just to make sure that I please and keep appease with my readers as well as my audiences.

I stand here writing!

Thinking outside of the box can cause two things, guide you into a role of cadance, or in another sought role by true writers, leadership!

Write, Read and rewrite

I use this method often as a writer. There is no such thing as the perfect paragraph. This method, however,will, definately get you close.

The Art of Revision

Revision of a draft is important when it comes to wanting nearly perfect paper. The methods take writings from being words to works of art.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Welcome to my blog!

This is the blog of Jerome Jackson. There are many blogs out there on the internet, but this one is mine. Some of my blogs will be energetic, some of my blogs will be mild mannered. I can promise that all of my blog post will be interesting, genuine, well expressed, and/or creative.