
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

They Say/ I Say Page 28 #1a-f.

Aa. Our experiments suggest that there are dangerous levels of chemical X in the Ohio groundwater.
Ab. Since the Environmental protection agency has a lot of controversy going about chemical X, Let's ask the question about why there are dangerous levels of it in Ohio's groundwater.

Ba. Material forces drive History
Bb. After continuous research, there had been a conclusion that material forces drive history, let's test this theory on our own.

Ca. Proponents of Fruedian psychology question standard notions of "rationality".
Cb. In listening to all of you I believe that it has been concluded that proponents of Freudian psychology question the notion of "rationality".

Da. Male students often dominate classroom discussions.
Db. After simple observation of Jerome today, we can see that it is often the male student that dominates classroom discussion.

Ea. The film is about the problems of romantic relationships.
Eb. Now that the conclusion has given the most direction to the movie, we discover that the film is about the problems of romantic relationships.

Fa. I'm afraid the templated like the ones in this book will stifle my creativity.
Fb. Now that the simplicity of the topic of writing is exposed, I'm afraid the templated like the ones in this book will stifle my creativity.

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